What’s Love Got to Do With It?

This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. (John 15:12)

Two of the most difficult questions in all humanity:
What is love? What is the meaning is life?

Love can be expressed in countless ways. ‘I love my family’ ‘I love my country’ ‘I love my car’ ‘I love my iPhone’ But seriously… What IS Love? Here’s a good working definition.

Love is the desire for another to be all they can be.

If we set our lives toward this singular purpose, what would the world look like? Now, please understand, this is no easy task. This requires work. Hard work. To live in this way means that we must pay attention and be intentional in our actions toward others. This ‘desire for another to be all they can be’ is NOT merely wishful thinking. It defines all of our actions. It consumes our prayer life. It reshapes our worldview. This way of life takes our attention away from selfish ambitions and directs it towards our loved ones, our neighbors and especially our enemies.

I firmly believe that it is through Christ alone that we can live the Way of Love. This is no sappy emotion of weakness. Love is the POWER by which God is redeeming all of creation. It is the prime force of the universe. So, lets roll up our sleeves and join Christ in this ‘Way of Love’.  This, by the way, is the meaning of life.

See you Sunday!

Cordova Pres