Are you happy?
Are you happy? If I walked up to you on the street and asked this “out of the blue” question, what would you say? I suspect that your response would be dependent upon several factors. Did you get enough sleep the night before? Are you angry with a loved one? Did you drop your smartphone in the toilet that morning? All of these, plus a million other things, have a direct effect on our happiness. But what if I asked a different question? Are you Joyful?
Joy. This, the third week of Advent, is the time to celebrate the gift of Joy. While happiness can elude us in the best of circumstances, joy can be found in the darkest corners of creation. Why? Happiness is fully dependent on events, personalities and circumstances that happen to us. Joy comes from the peace, wholeness and fulfillment we find in God. Happiness happens to us while joy dwells within us.
In this season, let us prepare our hearts and minds for the miracle of Joy. Seek, the peace of Christ within you this week. Evict the clutter of resentments and anxieties that litter your thoughts. Embrace the promise that Christ has come into this world to bring wholeness and peace. Nothing else in the entire world can bring true Joy.
May the light of Christ be with you always.
See you Sunday!