The Story of "Sunshine in My Soul"

Our anthem for Sunday, January 21, is “Sunshine in My Soul.” The song lyrics were written by prolific writer and public school teacher Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1851-1920). Read about the story behind the hymn, watch the video below, and be ready to sing along with us on Sunday!

Educated in the local [Philadelphia, PA] school system, she graduated as valedictorian of the Girl's Normal School that she attended. She became a teacher in the public schools of her city.
But then came misery. Her career screeched to a halt when she was forced to bed with a painful spinal problem. (One of her descendants has contacted us and said her debilitating condition was caused by an reckless student striking her with a piece of slate.) Lying in bed, she could have been bitter. Instead, she studied English literature and began to sing and write…

During this time of painful confinement, Eliza was determined not to be bitter and started writing hymns. Many of them were praise hymns, such as:  Stepping in the Light, Singing I Go… and many more. When she was able to go outside for the first time on a spring day, she enjoyed the warmth of the sun. Returning to her room with a joyful heart, she wrote the hymn Sunshine in My Soul.

Cordova Pres