Interested In Singing With Our Choir?

Coffee & Choir RSVP

O come, let us sing for joy to the Lord,
Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation.

Psalm 95:1

As stated in the flyer above, Coffee & Choir will be a “no pressure” hour of singing and fellowship in preparation for a special Pentecost Sunday performance. My goal is to guide you through our May 28th anthem, “Every Time I Feel the Spirit”, and help you feel comfortable singing it with us during the service.

Coffee, juice, refreshments, and music will be provided so just bring your voices. Please RSVP by noon on Friday, May 26th so we can adequately prepare.

I hope you’ll consider joining us at Coffee & Choir on the 27th and singing with us on the 28th! Please contact me if you have any questions. You can email me at


Cordova Prescoffee