Time flies
I once believed that, as we get older, time seems to move more quickly. While this is still true, today even the young people are complaining about this phenomenon. It is often said, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Could that be it? We are all just having THAT much fun? Maybe. But I have a different idea.
It seems that technology, busy lives and the daily grind of long hours and little sleep may be contributing to this phenomenon. Studies have shown that a steady diet of new experiences makes a subject perceive time as passing slower. So maybe our lives, while incredibly busy, are just a little too mundane.
I propose a challenge. Let’s slow 2025 down a bit. Step away from the mundane routine and discover something new. Now I’m not talking about hiking the Alps or anything like that. Simply decide to do that thing that you keep saying to yourself, “When I’m not so busy, I’m going to _____!” Better yet, pray about it. Ask God what you should do. Be careful though, it may require a little self-sacrifice and service to others. And it may change your life completely. God has a plan for you. May you find this year to be the best one yet.
See you Sunday!