Be a Blessing

Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 
(Genesis 12:1-2)

One of the greatest “leap of faith” moments in the Bible can be found in this verse. God is telling Abram to leave his country, his family and “his father’s house” and go to an undisclosed location. Now we know what it means to leave family and friends to move far away. But to leave his ‘father’s house’ was more than just leaving home.

Abram was leaving behind the power and security of belonging to his father’s house.  To leave would mean that he would be vulnerable. He wouldn’t have his father’s name to protect him from enemies or his father’s religious idols to protect him from the chaos of the world. God was calling him away from all the security he had ever known.  Asking him to trust that he would be blessed and be a blessing.

In this season of Lent, God is calling us away from the security of false idols. God is inviting us to a place beyond the securities we perceive today. We are called to walk with God and allow him to show us a better way. God’s promises are true today. If we abandon our old ways and take a leap of faith, God will bless us and, better yet, make us a blessing to others. May you be blessed with the faith of Abram in this season of Lent.

See you Sunday!

Cordova Pres