
Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given you by God. If you devoted every moment of your whole life exclusively to His service, you could not give Him anything that was not in a sense His own already. 

- C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

November. It’s a new season in so many ways. The weather is cooler. The leaves are turning and so are our thoughts. The holidays are approaching. There is a lot to plan, to buy and to organize. There are so many expectations to fill over the next 2 months! In the church we usually take this opportunity to focus on stewardship. Because you don’t have enough to worry about, right?

Maybe we could all approach this season more intentionally this year. Let’s take a fresh look at the holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas; what do they mean exactly? Simply put they are both celebrating God’s abundant love and grace. With that in mind, how can you and your family celebrate this holiday season differently?

This month, I invite you to apply prayer to this hectic season. Before shopping, before decorating, before making travel arrangements, stop. Pray. Give thanks. Rest in God’s abundant love and grace. Let yourself be filled with joy. Why?  All that we do in this season is to be done in response to God’s love for us. It’s just that simple. So, allow God to be your guide through this season. Who knows, it could change your life.

See you Sunday!

Cordova Pres