
When I was about 7 years old, I remember sitting in church and hearing the pastor go on and on about giving to God as the offering plate was going around.  He was so emphatic about this money going to God that I began to wonder if he and God had something worked out to get this cash up to heaven! But why in the world would God need money in heaven? Oh, the things that distract a little child. But seriously, why should we offer money to God? This is a very good question in a season focused on stewardship.

I spent quite a few years away from church, so I personally had to learn about stewardship as an adult. And in many ways, I am still learning. You see…
Stewardship is one way we put our faith into practice.

When I first began practicing stewardship, I realized that I would need to sit down and get serious about making a budget. Deciding how to spend my money, as a practicing Christian, was a difficult and adventurous task! Then my calendar took a beating. With Christ in mind, I needed to decide how to budget my time. Ugh! This was all so hard! I remember thinking, “Can’t I just write the check and be done?”

The soul searching and priority making that went into those early years as a ‘practicing Christian’ literally transformed who I am today. But I’m not done. We are always transformed when we put our faith into practice. This is the adventure of stewardship! I am on this journey with you. Let us all pray for guidance to discern God’s will for how we spend our time and money in sharing God’s gifts. 

See you Sunday!

Cordova Pres