Such a Time

I picked up a new phrase some years back. I learned it from an amazing woman going through a very difficult time. “Such a time. Such a time.” She learned it as a little girl from her mother. To say it properly you must smile, shake your head slowly and, of course, say it twice. It’s a good phrase.

Does your life ever seem a little more difficult than necessary? Are you carrying more than your fair share of the load? Are you finding yourself asking, “Why me?” We all experience times when life seems to be unraveling faster than we can knit it back together. “Such a time, such a time.” The phrase has its roots in the Old Testament book of Esther.

For if you keep silence at such a time as this, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another quarter, but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this.’ (Esther 4:14)

From Mordecai’s immortal words, Esther gained the courage to do what needed to be done and her people were saved. She had been complaining, “Why me?” Her answer came quickly, “Such a time. Such a time.”

We are all part of a larger story. God has blessed each of us with certain gifts. They are to be used to God’s good purpose. We have not been promised an easy time in this life. But in Christ, we join the creator in a magnificent adventure. We can either give up in the face of adversity or we can listen to Mordecai, smile and declare “Such a time. Such a time!”

Grace and Peace!

Cordova Pres